Judy Garland as Dorothy

The links to the left are not meant to be complete lists of Judy Garland CDs, Books, or Videos.

Rather, these are lists of what I consider to be the "best" of Judy's CDs, Books, and Videos! Also included are some "collector's" choices that may not be of interest to the general public, but are wonderful "must haves" for "serious" Judy fans like myself!

Since collecting Judy's music is my main "passion," these pages are heavy on the CDs.


Are You a Friend of Dorothy?
Judy Garland Store Search For Judy Garlannd Products

While the TV film Me and My Shadows provides a fascinating look at the life of Judy Garland through the eyes of one of her daughters, it's nothing compared to seeing one of the all-time greatest entertainers perform. Visit our Judy Garland Store for videos and DVDs of her films and television and concert appearances as well as related CDs and books.


For complete listings of Judy's records, visit THE JUDY LIST - Mark Harris and Al DiOrio have done a fantastic job of cataloging all of Judy's records and CD's.

Click Here!