NEW: Original Judy Oil painting for sale!!

Click on the images to the left for detailed information about the featured pages of The Judy Room - or use the menu above to navigate all pages of this site.

NEW: Judy Garland documentary in the works

Enhancing Judy Garland's presence on the web since 1998

The Judy Room is not intended to be a "complete" record of Judy's life and career. Instead, The Judy Room is a celebration of the legacy of Judy Garland, and a fun and informative addendum to the many books and web sites which help to document Judy's long and varied career.

A special thanks to Kim Loeffler for providing so many images from her private collection - THANK YOU KIM!!!


A special thanks also to Jim Johnson and his
Jim has graciously allowed me to provide links back to pages on his masterful site. THANKS JIM!!!

I would like to extend a note of thanks and appreciation to all of the Judy Garland web sites out there for honoring Judy's memory so well - everyone has added their own special talents & style in documenting the legacy of Judy Garland, and ensuring that legacy lives on for future generations.

If there is some information about Judy Garland or products that you are looking for and can't find, please feel free to email me and I'll do my best to get the information for you!

Likewise, if you find incorrect information, especially in the TIMELINES, please feel free to email me with the correct information.

Please email me if you have information about specific dates and events that ARE NOT listed in the timelines. Any and all input is welcome!

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Copyright © "The Judy Room"

All original text and images (unless otherwise noted) contained in THE JUDY ROOM belong to, or are a part of, my private collection and the private collections of others. Any previously copyrighted material is presented here solely in tribute to Judy Garland and is for unobjectionable entertainment purposes only. This web site is not, nor are any of the images and text contained herein, used for financial gain. If you are the owner of any of the copyrighted material in THE JUDY ROOM and object to it's presentation herein, please email me with a description of the material along with your request to cease its use and I will comply immediately.

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